Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Weight No More!

I have struggled with trying to get down to a size” good” for the past 10 years.  I have made several attempts at losing weight.  I would always start off good and then by the third day I was headache-y, tired, and frustrated with trying to win the battle of the bulge.
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My friend is a certified nutrition coach and had been approached by a fellow church member about an approach to losing weight.  Therefore, she called me and we started brainstorming and looking on the internet and came across Diet.bet.com. 
Dietbet’s premise is as follows:  someone organizes a diet bet, set’s the amount of the pot ($10 and up), advertises it, people join and for four weeks, the participants are to lose 4% of their body weight in a matter of four weeks.
It is Day 7 and I have lost 3 pounds and I need to lose another four to be included in the winner circle.  I see why people attempt the challenge of losing weight to find themselves falling off the wagon (thud!)  It is not for the week of mind or spirit.  It is a life-changing event that must be handled diligently.
When I first started counting calories, I could not believe how many calories there were in a croissant (280) without any meat or cheese!  Breakfast shot out of the park!  Reading labels on packaging has become necessary. 
ave struggled with trying to get down to a size” good” for the past 10 years.  I have made several attempts at losing weight.  I would always start off good and then by the third day I was headache-y, tired, and frustrated with trying to win the battle of the bulge.
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My friend is a certified nutrition coach and had been approached by a fellow church member about an approach to losing weight.  Therefore, she called me and we started brainstorming and looking on the internet and came across Diet.bet.com. 
Dietbet’s premise is as follows:  someone organizes a diet bet, set’s the amount of the pot ($10 and up), advertises it, people join and for four weeks, the participants are to lose 4% of their body weight in a matter of four weeks.
I also learned that food preparation is key!  What and how many calories and how much can I have.  Don’t get me wrong, you can adjust your intake.  However, intake vs. movement is my new equation.  You want the slice of cake (300 calories) is you willing to walk the extra 2 miles to burn up those calories.
It is just the beginning of this journey…
I also learned that food preparation is key!  What and how many calories and how much can I have.  Don’t get me wrong, you can adjust your intake.  However, intake vs. movement is my new equation.  You want the slice of cake (300 calories) is you willing to walk the extra 2 miles to burn up those calories.
It is just the beginning of this journey…

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Definition of Forgiveness

Forgiveness by definition:
Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.
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All of us have been hurt and/or offended by someone at one time or other.  Even someone as close as a parent.   A hurt or offense can be intentional or it could be a simple slight (the offender simply did not think before they spoke or did something).
Each hurt or offense leaves spiritual scars.  Moreover, because it is a spiritual act, we do not outwardly see the scar; we continue walking through life as though we are all right, okay.  I love God and all is well.  However, a spiritual scar is mirrored in the natural just like a cut that has been made and will form a scar as in the process of trying to heal.
Of course, there are levels of offenses and hurts.  Some we can easily forgive and move on and some that has cut into our soul and anytime it is touch causes us to relive the offence all over again.  Have you found times when someone simply mentions something and for some “unknown” reason you go way overboard with your response.  Have you experienced times that you can simply be driving along, or sitting alone and a wave of uncontrollable tears wash over you?  No one has said or done anything to you.  Sometisite 1mes it comes in a form of indiscernible dread or fear.  You can’t explain it but you know that it’s real.
I have heard people say “I will forgive, but I won’t forget!”  This is like washing a white dress, drying it, pressing it and then throwing it on the ground.  It is as if I know I should forgive, no, need to forgive but I am still holding on to the memory of the thing because they hurt me.
For personal reasons and the hope that I can help move some people, I know, from the place of “I will, but I won’t forget, so that we might live a fuller and God-filled, ordained life

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Prayer Moves Mountains!

Last Saturday evening I received one of those dreaded, awful telephone calls.  The one that causes the ground beneath you to shudder.  I had talked to my sister earlier in the day.  We talked about the usual nothingness and casual events of our lives.  We laughed and giggled as sisters do.  I am always glad to hear from her.
It was late, my husband had gone to bed and I was preparing to do so when my sister called me.  Immediately, I knew something was wrong.  She went on to tell me that my nephew had been on his motorcycle and had ended up in a terrible, life threatening accident.  He had lost control of his motorcycle, while riding with his brother, and ended up veering off the road into someone's yard and not only hit a tree but was thrown off the bike into another tree.  Needless to say, the injuries were severe!  His brother and wife had just moved into the neighborhood and he called out to his wife, who had been a medic and she worked with him until the ambulance arrived.
I called my brother, in Connecticut, to inform him as to what had happen and he asked me to wait on the telephone until he could reach his wife.  He had apprised her of the situation and we went immediately into prayer.  While we prayed, my nephew was in surgery with a whole in his liver, damaged spleen, internal bleeding, broken femurs and hand.  She prayed that he would be a testimony, we agreed that he would live and not die!  We prayed that He would guide the hands of the doctors and that his life would be spared.
We prayed through the uncertainty and doom.  We raised faith to the level of knowing that God would not fail us!  We decreed and declared that he would be raised up!
Several days later, the doctors are saying that his recovery is remarkable!  Don't get me wrong, the young man has a way to go but we, as a family, are praying him through.  With all the trauma to his body, there was no swelling or damage to his brain!  Even though he is in an induced coma, they are working on waking him up over the ensuing days since the breathing machine is only doing less than 5% assistance with his breathing.
We have always been a praying family, a family that love God!  A family full of annointed preachers, teachers, and laypersons but even so, there are moments in our life's journeys that our belief and trust in God is challenged.  I thought of Bobbi Kristina a lot while we were waiting for my nephew to show signs of recovery.  Thanking God that we know that our righteousness is as filthy rags but His mercy endures forever.
I'm so thankful that my parents introduced me to God and so have we to our children.  I can't think of any other gift that is more important than the gift of God's Son to us.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Beloved, Do The Work!

Do The Work

Exploring Purpose and Vision

I know this that is not a new subject. You can find books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, and workshops advertised all over the virtual world. The problem doesn't seem to be access to information but our ability to apply the changes necessary to fulfill one's purpose and vision.

The Day of Responsibility

How many times have we made "Monday" a Holy Grail day? On "Monday" I'll start my diet!, On "Monday" I'll write a new Hub!, On "Monday" I'll look for a new job! So many "Monday's" have arrived and left and we still have not written that book, finished that project, wrote down our vision, declared our purpose, made reconciliation, asked for forgiveness, and started that diet!
And after a series of "Monday's," I have arrived at the latter part of my journey and close to retirement and find the most urgent need to reinvent myself! There were choices that I made due to certain needs. I needed a job to take care of my son, unemployed husband and myself. So, I took the first, decent-paying job in my field. I needed a car and purchased with the first dealer that accepted my credit. I needed a place to stay and moved into a place that was affordable but now best for my well-being.
Most of us have made choices like these at one time or another in our lives. Choices that did not nurture our well-being but met a need. Those choices allowed me to "settle." Settling caused me to "accept" the extra stress, 30 lbs., unfulfilling job, and put up with what T.D. Jakes calls "turtles!" Those people portraying to be friends and supporters but whose chatter is that of negativity and betrayal.
However, The Day of Responsibility knocks at the door! It shows up with all our excuses, poor judgments, fear, doubt, and paralysis! It demands accountability! "When you know better, do better!"
Iylana Vanzant calls it "Doing the work!" Reaching for Higher Ground demands that we do the work! The Day of Responsibility not only touts our decisions but reveals our ability to make better choices with the knowledge that we have acquired up until the point of taking responsibility of what we have done until the present time!

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Doing The Work

The scripture states: You did run well, who did hinder you? -- Galatians 5:7
Along the journey, we get side-tracked, distracted, and pulled off course! This is where Doing the Work comes into play! It requires that we investigate what took us off course and when did it happen, and enables us, with that knowledge to move forward. What holds us HOSTAGE!
We must do an "inside" work! What do I see mirrored by my friends and the company I keep? What are my relationships like with my immediate family? Why do I fear success? It is oftentimes the need to "heal" the "child" in us. Some left abandoned, rejected, ridiculed, and abused!
For this, there is no quick remedy or "take a pill and see me in the morning!" The wake up call is that "we" have built the walls that keep us confined. Simply existing -- having our breath, activities of our limbs, and somewhat of a right mind! Not living, fulfilling purpose and pursuing vision!
Doing the Work entails the mind, body, and soul! There is an imbalance with most of us! Work is great but I'm 50 pounds overweight! I understand/know my purpose but when it comes to love, I suffer from anorexia. A powerful preach but drawn away by lust!


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How Do You Accept Change?

  • Easily
  • With Resistant
  • I Don't Feel The Need For Change!
See results without voting


Doing the Work will promote "change!" Changes of people, places, and things! Change in our addictions that we don't call additions! Chocolate, video games, shopping, eating, self-sabotage, work, or however, you have chosen to SELF-MEDICATE!
Because of these addictions, our body and mind will be resistant to the "Do the Work!" process. Cravings that you didn't even know that you had will arise! You will remember things from your past that made you afraid of the dark now! Abused children realize why they have built a wall of fat to ward off further violators!
Change will mean that you cannot partake of what has brought The Day of Responsibility to knock at your door!


I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! - Phillipians 3:17
Spiritually armed. We can begin to make changes that are needed to live an authentic life!
I must decrease, so that He can increase! I need to surrender. Admit that I've made some mistakes, wrong choices, and may have even become bitter with my life! It is through admittance that we forgive ourselves and release all that we have to the One who loves us most!
With surrender I empty myself of the responsibility to try to make right every wrong and give myself the permission to be set free to began again!


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Let's Pray

Dear Father, we thank you for your grace and mercy and the knowledge to know that we are nothing without you. It is your desire that we prosper and be in good health. Whatever, my brother or sister needs at this point in their journey, I ask that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide them into that Truth! We thank you for another opportunity to live a life of abudance. In Jesus' Name!

Don't Run From Your Problems

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015!

Welcome 2015!

This year I've chosen to make declarations instead of resolutions!  Walking into 2015 with my eyes wide open!

I embrace the spirit of Expectation. 

I promise to make the effort to live the best life during this year! 

Forgetting those things that are behind and pressing forward to new challenges, changes, and truths about myself that caused stagnation.

I will pursue God with a passion that restore areas of my spiritual life that had previously been damaged, distracted, or destroyed!

I declare that I will not lie to myself but write the truth and read it, and make a truthful effort to invoke the necessary change. 

I choose not to settle for people, places, or things that will not bring value to my life whether good or bad.

I will continue to search out my passions and pursue them!

I promise to keep motivated in all that is good, starting with small steps!

Above all, I choose to love myself and love beyond what I see of others!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Financial Wave

Tap, Tap, Tap...Public Announcement:  To all those that have been holding on...walking through...standing in the midst of financial hardships while holding on...praising God...standing in faith...living in HIS love...there is a wave of Financial Breakthough about to hit your shore!  That which was delayed, abuse, and misdirect has found its way back to you!  Now lift those hands and be thankful...He had NOT forgotten you...