Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Inner Peace


God is the source of my serenity.  I am at peace.  At times I may tend to feel discouraged and challenged, yet I can transform such thoughts and feelings and know a peaceful state of mind.  Letting go of any need to struggle, I allow the peace of God to fill my senses.  I am at peace because God is the source of my serenity. 

In the silence, I dwell in the perfect peace of God.  For these moments in time there is nothing I must think, say, or do.  I can just be, building a consciousness of peace.  As I begin moving from this inner experience out into my day, I bring this consciousness of serenity with me.  In the midst of busy daily activities, I am serene and at peace.  At any time, I have the ability to make the choice to go within to my internal wellspring of peace and maintain my sense of calm and serenity.

From:  Today’s Daily Word – Wednesday, May 28, 2008