Friday, October 19, 2012

Welcome Arms

I was looking out the window of my evening train when I saw a tall man looking frantically.  The train had just pulled into the station and he apparently had been anxiously waiting for someone.

He looked and walked briskly past the first two train cars and proceeded down the platform when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.  He had located the person he was looking for.

I saw the widest and deepest smile that his face could possible don.  There she was all 5'3 inches of her.  His arms openned wide and his 6'5 inch frame seemed to swallow her.  He wrapped her in his embrace and shook her.  He grabbed her bags and held her around her shoulders.

From the side view of his face as he begin to (what I presume) asked her about her day, he was still smiling, so happy to see her!

What crossed my mine was that he usually sees her off in the morning!  He stands and watches until she takes a seat and waves at her as the train pulls out of the station!

It caused me to think of what it must be like when the Father, who has watched and loved us all our life, stands with Welcome Arms as we end the journey of this earthly life.

What anticipation and excitement there must be when we finally walk into His Presence.

I'm thankful for Welcome Arms!

©Copyright 2012 Heart of a Woman Ministries - All Rights Reserved

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